House Number | Street Name | Borough Name | ZipCode | BuildingIdNumber | NeighborhoodName | NeighborhoodCode | CommunityDistrict | Longitude | Latitude | XCoordinate | YCoordinate | 2010CensusTract | 2010CensusBlock | 2000CensusTract | 2000CensusBlock |
2435 | Grand Concourse | Bronx | 10468 | 2013797 | Fordham South | BX40 | 205 | -73.89792888301257 | 40.86101767677348 | 1012484 | 252986 | 23703 | 1003 | 23701 | 1003 |
126 | E 13th St | Manhattan | 10003 | 1009026 | East Village | MN22 | 103 | -73.98913916913628 | 40.73321015653363 | 987260 | 206405 | 42 | 1001 | 42 | 1001 |
22 | W 34th St | Manhattan | 10001 | 1083636 | Midtown-Midtown South | MN17 | 105 | -73.98633950265423 | 40.749176075824096 | 988035 | 212222 | 76 | 1001 | 76 | 1001 |
37 | W 26th St | Manhattan | 10010 | 1015634 | Hudson Yards-Chelsea-Flatiron-Union Square | MN13 | 105 | -73.98990245595127 | 40.744178255349716 | 987048 | 210401 | 58 | 1002 | 58 | 1002 |
500 | 8th Ave | Manhattan | 10018 | 1014421 | Midtown-Midtown South | MN17 | 105 | -73.99290408027065 | 40.752942460557705 | 986216 | 213594 | 109 | 1004 | 109 | 2002 |
The geodesic EPSG:4326 spatial reference specifies longitude and latitude coordinates. Here is the proj4 specification:
+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
The Euclidean EPSG:2263 spatial reference specifies X and Y coordinates in feet (not meters). Here is the proj4 specification:
+proj=lcc +lat_1=41.03333333333333 +lat_2=40.66666666666666 +lat_0=40.16666666666666 +lon_0=-74 +x_0=300000.0000000001 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +to_meter=0.3048006096012192 +no_defs