Roy Hyunjin Han


Prepare for Hurricane Elsa 20210706-1830 (created 3 years ago)
Represent Values using Colors in an Image (created 3 years ago)
Compute Line Length 20191108 (created 5 years ago)
Visualize Electrification Scenario (created 5 years ago)
Optimize Rural Electrification Technology Choice (created 5 years ago)
Optimize Rural Electrification Technology Choice (created 5 years ago)
Optimize Rural Electrification Technology Choice (created 5 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180712-1400 (created 5 years ago)
Place Microgrid Poles 20181010-1000 (created 5 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20181010-1000 (created 5 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20181010-1000 (created 5 years ago)
Optimize Rural Electrification Technology Choice (created 5 years ago)
Visualize Electrification Scenario (created 5 years ago)
Get Random Contiguous Subset (created 5 years ago)
Generate Random Points Within Region (created 5 years ago)
Augment NYC Dataset with Tree Statistics (created 5 years ago)
Compare Spatial Regression Models on Airbnb Listings (created 5 years ago)
Animate Air Pollution (created 6 years ago)
Convert Temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius (created 6 years ago)
Place Store to Minimize Distance to Each Customer (created 6 years ago)
Summarize Your Table (created 6 years ago)
Plot Name Frequency By Year (created 6 years ago)
Customer Level Microgrid Pole Layout Through Least Cost Optimization (created 6 years ago)
Customer Level Grid Extension Pole Layout Through Least Cost Optimization (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles and Distribution Poles 20180925-0925 (created 6 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20180925-0925 (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180925-0925 (created 6 years ago)
Locate Excluded Targets (created 6 years ago)
Filter Features using Region of Interest (created 6 years ago)
Create Random Polygons in Region of Interest (created 6 years ago)
Find Postal Codes that Intersect Region of Interest (created 6 years ago)
Place Microgrid Poles 20180712-1400: Demo (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180712-1400: Demo (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180712-1400: Demo (created 6 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20180712-1400: Demo (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180712-1400: Demo (created 6 years ago)
Place Microgrid Poles 20180712-1400 (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180712-1400 (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180712-1400 (created 6 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20180712-1400 (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180712-1400 (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Get a Random Subset of Geometries (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180603-0800 (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180515-1500 (1 star, created 6 years ago)
Find the Nearest Basketball Court (created 6 years ago)
Draw Choropleth (created 6 years ago)
Define Geometry from Addresses in New York City (created 6 years ago)
Define Geometries from WKT (created 6 years ago)
Define Geometry from Addresses (created 6 years ago)
Make Choropleth on New York City Boroughs (created 6 years ago)
Tint Images (created 7 years ago)
Merge Tables (created 7 years ago)
Put Landmarks on a Map (created 7 years ago)
Concatenate Strings (created 7 years ago)
Test Relationship Between Labor Trafficking and GDP (created 7 years ago)
Extract a Table of Human Trafficking Incidents from a Table of USA DOJ Court Case Press Releases using spaCy (created 7 years ago)
Extract a Table of Human Trafficking Incidents from a Table of USA DOJ Court Case Press Releases using NLTK (created 7 years ago)
Normalize Raw Text (created 7 years ago)
Explore USA Department of Justice Court Case Press Releases (created 7 years ago)
Guess the Gender of a Name from the USA (created 7 years ago)
Extract Text from a Webpage (created 7 years ago)
Compute Angle Defined by Three Points (created 7 years ago)
Extract Names Using Polyglot (created 7 years ago)
Filter Organizations by Language and Location (created 7 years ago)
Optimize Rural Electrification Technology Choice (1 star, created 7 years ago)


Prepare for Hurricane Elsa 20210706-1830 20210706-2335 (created 3 years ago)
Represent Values using Colors in an Image 20210702-2114 (created 3 years ago)
Represent Values using Colors in an Image 20210702-1930 (created 3 years ago)
Compute Line Length 20191108 20191108-1655 (created 5 years ago)
Visualize Electrification Scenario 20190828-1757 (created 5 years ago)
Visualize Electrification Scenario 20190817-0537 (created 5 years ago)
Visualize Electrification Scenario 20190817-0520 (created 5 years ago)
Visualize Electrification Scenario 20190817-0510 (created 5 years ago)
Compare Spatial Regression Models on Airbnb Listings 20190222-1846 (created 5 years ago)
Summarize Your Table 20181217-0024 (created 6 years ago)
Plot Name Frequency By Year 20181217-0022 (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180712-1400 20181029-1518 (created 6 years ago)
Random Polygons in Navajo Nation (created 6 years ago)
Zip Codes of Navajo Nation in Utah (created 6 years ago)
Zip Codes of Navajo Nation (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180712-1400: Demo Default (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180712-1400 Default (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180603-0800 Default (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180603-0800 Default (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180603-0800 Default (created 6 years ago)
Get a Random Subset of Geometries 20180604-1341 (created 6 years ago)
Place Service Drop Poles 20180603-0800 Defaults (created 6 years ago)
Place Equipment (Solar) 20180603-0800 Defaults (created 6 years ago)
Place Distribution Poles 20180603-0800 Defaults (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180603-0800 Defaults (created 6 years ago)
Design Microgrid (Solar) 20180515-1500 Defaults (created 6 years ago)
Optimize Solar Microgrid Layout 20180425-2230 20180426-0410 (created 6 years ago)
Optimize Solar Microgrid Layout 20180426-0214 (created 6 years ago)
Define Geometry from Addresses 20180226-2157 (created 6 years ago)
Define Geometry from Addresses in New York City 20180226-1309 (created 6 years ago)
Extract a Table of Human Trafficking Incidents from a Table of USA DOJ Court Case Press Releases using spaCy 20180130-1607 (created 7 years ago)
Testing for a Relationship Between Labor Trafficking and GDP in 2017 (created 7 years ago)
Compute Angle Defined by Three Points 20171129-1753 (created 7 years ago)
Estimate Electricity Cost by Technology from Population 20170419-1818 (created 7 years ago)
Leona Default 2 (created 7 years ago)
Leona Defaults (created 7 years ago)
Ecuador East and Existing Grid (created 7 years ago)
Estimate Electricity Cost by Technology from Population 20170305-1655 (created 7 years ago)
Estimate Electricity Cost by Technology from Population 20170228-2038 (created 7 years ago)
Estimate Electricity Cost by Technology from Population 20170224-1942 (created 7 years ago)
Estimate Electricity Cost by Technology from Population 20170224-1540 (created 7 years ago)


NYC Open Data Examples (created 7 years ago, modified 3 years ago)
Generate Choropleth 20210702 (created 3 years ago, modified 3 years ago)
Compute Line Length from Longitude Latitude Geometry (created 5 years ago, modified 5 years ago)
Prepare and Fit Spatial Regression Models 20190222 (created 6 years ago, modified 5 years ago)
Interesting Python Packages that Deserve Our Attention (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Spatial Algorithms (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Tool Walkthroughs (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Rural Electrification Tools 20181115 (created 6 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Grid Layout Tools 20180926-1400 (created 6 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Simple Spatial Routines (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
TRANSPAC Development Log (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Simple Geospatial Tools (created 6 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Prototype Solar Mini Grid Layout (1st Implementation) (2 stars, created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Jupyter Notebook Tips (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Example Tools (created 7 years ago, modified 6 years ago)
Build a Human Trafficking Dataset from Court Cases and News Articles 20171214 (1 star, created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Introduction to Computational Analysis (3 stars, created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Human Trafficking Data Overview 20171214 (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Test Relationship between Labor Trafficking and GDP 20171214 (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Pathfinding Problem Definition (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Filter Organizations by Language and Location (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Introducción a Datos Tabulados y Espaciales (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Advanced Python Tips (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Advanced Linux Tips (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Python 3 Gotchas (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
Satellite Image Recognition Research Log (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)
socketIO-client Development Log (created 7 years ago, modified 7 years ago)


WB 20191005 (created 5 years ago)
D4GX 20190915 (created 5 years ago)
D4GX 20190915 (created 5 years ago)
pRzQ7 (created 5 years ago)
eQkJS (created 5 years ago)
19fec (created 5 years ago)
znxkz (created 5 years ago)
134f-quiethellfire-32gb (created 7 years ago)
dXpAU (created 7 years ago)
fyqXO (created 7 years ago)