Represent Values using Colors in an Image

Step 1: Create and Upload Your Image

Create an image using GIMP by drawing different colors using the PENCIL.

  • Make sure to use the PENCIL because the PAINTBRUSH will add interpolated colors around the edges where you draw and will complicate color replacement.
  • Use a different color for each part of the image that you want to color-code.
  • Don't forget to IMAGE > ZEALOUS CROP to remove unnecessary whitespace.

Step 2: Define Values in a Table

For each part of your image that has a different color, define a value. You can update the table directly or upload a new table.

You may need to reorder the sequence of parts in the table in order to match the color of the part in your uploaded image. Check the color histogram below for the sequence.

right leg5
left leg3
left arm0
right arm2

Step 3: Choose a Color Map

Then, choose a color map to use for representing the values.

Step 4: Choose the Zero Color

Finally, choose a color that will represent the value zero. You can use standard HTML color names or hex codes.

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