Prototype Solar Mini Grid Layout (1st Implementation)

Pay Notebook Creator: Roy Hyunjin Han250
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Draft algorithm to designate which poles should be fitted with a street lamp.


Roy Hyunjin Han


We want to make sure that each customer is near a street lamp.


20171111-0330 -


+ Draft algorithm


Press SHIFT-ENTER to run each cell.

20171111-0330 - 20171111-0400: 30 minutes

Since we can only put a street lamp on a pole and the number of poles is finite, this could be solved combinatorially.

In [ ]:
from itertools import product
items = 0, 1
list(product(items, repeat=4))

For each customer, get the distance to the nearest street lamp. Sum these distances over all customers. This is a simple application of kdtree. We'll use this as our metric function and then simply choose the combination above that minimizes our metric function.

+ Minimize the summed distance of a customer to a street lamp over all customers
+ Place a street lamp on selected poles to satisfy the above constraint

Given a set of customer locations and street lamp locations, compute the metric function.

20171117-1700 - 20171117-1800: 60 minutes

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
mask = [True, True, False, False, True]
np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])[mask]
In [ ]:
# Represent each pole by a boolean
# Generate boolean masks
# For each boolean mask, compute metric
# Choose boolean mask with best metric
import numpy as np
from itertools import product

def compute_street_lamp_metric(customers, poles, mask):
    lamp_poles = np.array(poles)[list(mask)]
    if not len(lamp_poles):
        return np.inf
    metric = 0
    for pole in lamp_poles:
        pole_point = pole.geometry
        metric += sum(pole_point.distance(
            x.geometry) for x in customers)
    return metric

def place_street_lamps(customers, poles):
    best_metric = 0
    best_mask = None
    for mask in product((0, 1), repeat=len(poles)):
        metric = compute_street_lamp_metric(customers, poles, mask)
        if metric < best_metric:
            best_metric = metric
            best_mask = mask
    for pole in np.array(poles)[list(mask)]:
        pole.has_street_lamp = True
    return poles
place_street_lamps(customers, poles)

20171117-1800 - 20171117-1830: 30 minutes

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the above approach. The number of combinations is too large. Perhaps we can just use the same pole finding algorithm for the lamps and then assign each lamp to the nearest pole?

Another strategy we could use is hill climbing, where we place one and then place the next. It is not optimal, but it will provide an acceptable solution.

In [ ]:
(10, 1) > (0, 10)
In [ ]:
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
tree = KDTree([(0, 0)])
tree.query((1, 1), distance_upper_bound=0.5)
In [ ]:
import attr
from shapely.geometry import Point

class Customer(object):
    geometry = attr.ib()

class Pole(object):
    geometry = attr.ib()

def get_geometries(xs):
    return [x.geometry for x in xs]
customers = [
    Customer(Point(0, 0)),
    Customer(Point(1, 0)),
    Customer(Point(1, 1)),
    Customer(Point(9, 9)),
poles = [
    Pole(Point(0.5, 0.5)),
    Pole(Point(0.75, 0.75)),
    Pole(Point(8, 8)),
maximum_street_lamp_distance_in_meters = 5
In [ ]:
from geotable import ColorfulGeometryCollection
from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection

], colors=['yellow', 'red'])
In [ ]:
def sum_distances(point):
    return sum(point.distance(x.geometry) for x in customers)

In [ ]:
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
pole = poles[0]
pole_point = pole.geometry
pole_xy = pole_point.x, pole_point.y
customer_tree = KDTree([(_.x, _.y) for _ in get_geometries(customers)])
indices = customer_tree.query_ball_point(
    pole_xy, maximum_street_lamp_distance_in_meters)
In [ ]:
customer_count = len(customers)
distances, indices = customer_tree.query(
In [ ]:
len(customers), len(, type(distances)
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
[x for x in distances if x < np.inf]
In [ ]:
[x for x in indices if x < customer_count]

20171129-1300 - 20171129-1315: 15 minutes

We assembled a solution in the Assemble Algorithm (1st Implementation) notebook, which we will duplicate here. The approach is not optimal, but it works.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np

def get_best_pole(
        customer_tree, poles, maximum_lamp_pole_distance_in_meters):
    best_metric = np.inf, np.inf
    best_pole = None
    for pole in poles:
        metric = compute_lamp_pole_metric(
            customer_tree, pole,
        if metric < best_metric:
            best_metric = metric
            best_pole = pole
    return best_pole

def compute_lamp_pole_metric(
        customer_tree, pole, maximum_lamp_pole_distance_in_meters):
    customer_count = len(
    pole_point = pole.geometry
    pole_xy = pole_point.x, pole_point.y
    distances, indices = customer_tree.query(
    if not hasattr(distances, '__iter__'):
        distances = [distances]
        indices = [indices]
    distances = [x for x in distances if x < np.inf]
    indices = [x for x in indices if x != customer_count]
    return -len(indices), sum(distances)
In [ ]:
from copy import copy
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

def get_lamp_poles(
        customers, poles, maximum_lamp_pole_distance_in_meters):
    remaining_customers = copy(customers)
    remaining_poles = copy(poles)
    lamp_poles = []
    while remaining_customers:
        customer_tree = KDTree([(_.x, _.y) for _ in get_geometries(
        pole = get_best_pole(
        # Remove lamp pole from remaining_poles
        # Remove satisfied customers from remaining_customers
        pole_point = pole.geometry
        pole_xy = pole_point.x, pole_point.y
        indices = customer_tree.query_ball_point(
        for customer in np.array(remaining_customers)[indices]:
    for pole in lamp_poles:
        pole.has_street_lamp = True
    return lamp_poles

maximum_lamp_pole_distance_in_meters = 5
lamp_poles = get_lamp_poles(
    customers, poles, maximum_lamp_pole_distance_in_meters)
In [ ]:
from geotable import ColorfulGeometryCollection
from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection

], colors=['yellow', 'magenta'])