Introduction to Computational Analysis

Pay Notebook Creator: Roy Hyunjin Han0
Set Container: Numerical CPU with TINY Memory for 10 Minutes 0
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from pandas import read_csv
customers = read_csv('datasets/SampleBusiness-Customers.csv')
products = read_csv('datasets/SampleBusiness-Products.csv')
promotions = read_csv('datasets/SampleBusiness-Promotions.csv')
orders = read_csv('datasets/SampleBusiness-Orders.csv', parse_dates=[1])
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productOrders = orders.merge(products)
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productOrders['OrderAmount'] = productOrders['ProductQuantity'] * productOrders['ProductPrice']


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# Who are our customers?
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# What were the top ten states with the most customers?
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# How many unique customers did we have in February 2012?
import datetime
afterFebruary1 = orders['OrderDateTime'] >= datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 1)
beforeMarch1 = orders['OrderDateTime'] < datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 1)
februaryOrders = orders[afterFebruary1 & beforeMarch1]
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# Who are the most loyal customers?
# How much will a customer spend during his or her relationship with the company?
# How much are we willing to spend to acquire a customer?
# Which customers are at risk of leaving?
# Which customers are most likely to buy a given product?


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# What were the sales ranked by state?
customerProductOrders = productOrders.merge(customers)
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# What were the top ten products ranked by quantity sold?
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# What were the top ten products by revenue?
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# What were the top ten products by profit?
productOrders['OrderProfit'] = productOrders['ProductQuantity'] * (productOrders['ProductPrice'] - productOrders['ProductCost'])
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# How many orders did we have by month?
ordersByDateTime = orders.set_index('OrderDateTime')
ordersByDateTime.resample('M', how=len)['OrderID'].plot();
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# Which product is most likely to sell to a given group of customers?
# How much of a given product do we expect to sell next week?
# How much of a given product should we stock in the warehouse?


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# What were the top ten promotions by revenue?
# What were the top ten promotions by profit?
# How effective was this promotion at increasing sales?