Simple Spatial Routines

Pay Notebook Creator: Roy Hyunjin Han0
Set Container: Numerical CPU with TINY Memory for 10 Minutes 0

Find Postal Codes that Intersect Region of Interest

Use this tool to find the postal codes that intersect a specified region. By default, this tool will return zip codes in the United States.

{ region_geotable : Region of Interest ? Specify the region for which you would like to find postal codes }

{ postal_code_geotable_url : URL of Postal Codes ? Specify the URL containing postal codes in spatial format }

In [1]:
# CrossCompute
region_geotable_path = 'navajo-nation.kmz'
postal_code_geotable_url = ''
target_folder = '/tmp'
In [ ]:
import geotable
from shapely.ops import unary_union
region_geotable = geotable.load(region_geotable_path, target_proj4=proj4)
region_geometry = unary_union(region_geotable.geometries)
In [10]:
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
postal_code_geotable_path = urlretrieve(postal_code_geotable_url, '/tmp/')[0]
postal_code_geotable = geotable.load(postal_code_geotable_path, target_proj4=proj4)
print('postal_code_count = %s' % len(postal_code_geotable))
('/tmp/', <http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x7f1e409430b8>)
In [19]:
has_intersections = []
is_containeds = []
for row_index, row in postal_code_geotable.iterrows():
    g = row['geometry_object']
postal_code_geotable['has_intersection'] = has_intersections
postal_code_geotable['is_contained'] = is_containeds    
In [ ]:
from os.path import join
t = postal_code_geotable
t = t[t['has_intersection']]
target_path = t.save_csv(join(target_folder, 'postal-codes-selected.csv'))
print('selected_postal_code_count = %s' % len(t))
print('selected_postal_code_geotable_path = %s' % target_path)

Selected Postal Codes

{ postal_code_count : Postal Code Count ? Number of postal codes in dataset downloaded from the provided URL }

{ selected_postal_code_count : Selected Postal Code Count ? Number of postal codes that intersect region of interest }

{ selected_postal_code_geotable : Selected Postal Codes ? Postal codes that intersect region of interest }