Spatial Algorithms

Pay Notebook Creator: Roy Hyunjin Han0
Set Container: Numerical CPU with TINY Memory for 10 Minutes 0

Draw Choropleth

A choropleth is a map where the color of each region represents a value.

{ a_table : Regions ? Try changing some of the values }

In [8]:
# CrossCompute
a_table_path = 'regions.csv'
target_folder = '/tmp'
In [9]:
import pandas as pd
t = pd.read_csv(a_table_path)
In [10]:
target_path = target_folder + '/choropleth.csv'
t.to_csv(target_path, index=False)
print('a_geotable_path = %s' % target_path)
a_geotable_path = /tmp/choropleth.csv

Rendered Choropleth

{ a_geotable : Your Choropleth ? Click on a region }